Alumni and School Events/Fundraisers
Throughout the year there are events both specifically for Alumni or for specific WHS departments. If you’re in the area, you should attend!
All of the “boosters” websites below have links to their active Facebook groups. From the Athletic boosters site, for instance, you can follow their Facebook group where they post about alumni athletic success post high school as well as highlights from each season.
WHS Foundation-sponsored Homecoming Alumni “Tailgate” - Every year at the Homecoming football game, we sponsor a tent with goodies and giveaways specifically for Alumni, Parents of Alumni, and Seniors! The tent is located at the top of the bleachers on the home side of Bradley Field. To find out the date of the homecoming game (which is usually in October), click here.
WHS Foundation Annual Auction - Every year in May, the WHS Foundation sponsors a fun night of delicious food, wine, and good company where you can support the school through auction item purchases and donating to the Fund-a-Need.
Athletics Boosters Alumni Events and Fundraisers
Crab Feed - This fun and delicious fundraiser for the Athletic Boosters Association is held in February annually.
Alumni Soccer Game - If you’re interested, connect via Athletic Boosters.
Alumni Basketball Game - If you’re interested, connect via Athletic Boosters.
Hall of Fame event - Every spring, there is a Hall of Fame Event to induct notable alumni!
Drama Boosters - A great way to support WHS drama students is to attend their shows! There is a Fall play and a Spring musical!
Music Boosters Annual Fundraiser - Every April the music boosters hosts a wonderful evening of music and fun to raise money for the music department.
Robotics - Cheer them on at their competitions and become a sponsor.